Monday, August 24, 2015

The New Teacher on the Block

A lot has changed from my last post. I graduated from college, moved home with my parents, and started my career as a second grade teacher. Don't worry, I'm moving out soon! I am the youngest teacher at my school and one of four new teachers. But the hardest, most rewarding, most exhausting change has been the responsibility I have been given of educating 21 seven year olds. Who like to talk. A lot. Nonetheless, my second graders are the cutest things in the whole world and I am so glad that I chose this profession.

I'm sure that the funnies will continue to flood social media all year, after all it is only day four. I have already been called mom, grandma, Mrs. James, and all of the other names in the book. But that is expected. So here are some hilarious things that have happened in Miss James' Second Grade during the first week of school.

August Brings Funerals:
Today I asked one of my students what they did over the weekend. He responded very casually, "Oh, ya know. We just had a funeral for Summer on Saturday. We all wore black and we had a beautiful service. It was really sad, but I think we are all recovering well." Like, WHAT? Why did I never think of having a funeral for Summer? You can all be invited next August when I plan the coolest funeral Summer ever did have. Make sure to brings some funeral potatoes and jello.

Armpits and Other Body Parts: 
Another good one from today. We were practicing counting by two in math by counting body parts. We counted by tens using our toes. We counted by fives using our fingers. And then we counted by twos using our armpits. Yes, my students wanted to use their armpits to count by twos. The rule with counting armpits was they had to make sure they didn't smell. And then after we had played a couple of other skip counting games, one of my students raises his hand and announces to the class that we could also count by twos using our nipples. Because everyone has two nipples. I tried not to make a scene and quickly changed the subject, but I have been cracking up about it all night long.

What We Can't Recycle: 
Last Friday, we had an awesome discussion about recycling: what can be recycled, how we recycle, etc. While talking about what can be recycled, one of my students raises his hand and says, "We could recycle our teacher." I answered with a sharp, "What? You want to recycle me?" "No, no, no. We would only want to recycle our teacher if she was mean. Then we could get a nice, new one! But you are the nicest teacher I have ever had!" "Nice save." I never knew we could recycle our teachers or else there would've been a couple that I would've recycled.

The Rewards: 
And then there are moments like when I asked my students what their favorite part of the first week of school was and they respond with, "Finding out you were our teacher!" or "Meeting you for the first time!" or "Seeing our awesome classroom every day!" Sometimes they can be the sweetest!

These kids are definitely keeping me on my toes, but there is no where I would rather be. I love being the young, second grade teacher, even with all of the challenges being a teacher comes with. I am being stretched in ways I never knew possible and I couldn't be happier as a first year teacher. Happy First Weeks of School! I hope your's is as entertaining as mine will be! :)

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